Where Can I Scatter My Pet’s Ashes?

There’s no tribute more fitting for your beloved best friend than scattering ashes in the…..but wait, where is the best place? Well, that depends on personal preference. In this blog we will discuss some ideas on where to scatter your pet’s ashes.

Hands scattering pet ashes

Why do we Scatter the Ashes of our Loved Ones?

Pets bring so much joy, companionship and comfort to our lives that when they pass, it can be just as difficult as losing a human family member. That’s because they have become part of our family, a shining beacon of love.

Bruce Cameron, author of A Dog’s Purpose, summed it up very well. “When we adopt…any pet, we know it is going to end with us having to say goodbye, but we still do it. And, we do it for a very good reason: They bring so much joy and optimism and happiness.”

If you are trying to decide where to scatter your beloved pet’s ashes, then you have already came to the decision to use a cremation service. This can be through a water based cremation, like at our Tranquil Tides Pet Aquamation, or by using a fire cremation. If you are still deciding whether water cremation is best for you, visit our website at https://tranquiltides.life/environmental-benefits/ and read about the benefits for your family and the planet. This sensitive topic of how to say goodbye, such as in scattering the ashes, forces us to confront painful emotions and make decisions during an already trying time.

Ultimately, be kind to yourself as you navigate this difficult period. Once you have your pet’s ashes and choose a final resting place, allow yourself to say goodbye, knowing they are only going in body and their memory will live on forever in your mind. When scattering your loved one’s ashes, open yourself up to letting go of your grief and freeing your beloved pet’s soul and spirit. Remember, by returning your pet to the earth, they are completing the circle of life and you have created a special place of memory. It is now time to celebrate their freedom and take solace in honoring your best friend’s memory.

Losing your best friend is a lot to cope with, so surround yourself with friends and family. Having someone listen to your concerns is very helpful. If you find yourself still needing comfort, read our blog or visit our Grief Resources for additional resources to guide you through the heartache. Our business is located in Nixa, Missouri, just south of Springfield, and we would be glad to assist you in any way we can. Give us a call at 417-830-4794.

Common Places to Scatter Ashes of Your Pet

Hikers spreading pet ashes into the forest

For many pet owners, scattering ashes brings peace, comfort, and closure. It also provides the most flexibility, as pet cremation ashes can be stored until you are ready for the right time to say farewell.

Once receiving your pet’s ashes, you might have been thinking of that perfect place to say farewell. There is a lot to consider when making those plans, such as, what spot had the most profound effect on your pet? Was it their favorite hiking spot, walking trail, your own backyard romps, or even a camping spot? Not only should this place mean something to your pet, but it should have a profound impact on your own heart. This place will be your connection to each other forever. A place to come visit and reminisce about wonderful times spent together. We are going to highlight some common and unique ways to scatter your pet’s ashes.

Forever Forests

There are forever forests that conserve forests that would otherwise be developed and allow you to choose a memorial tree for your best friend. This also preserves the ecosystem so that the diverse wildlife can thrive and live on. If you are interested in protecting the forests and having a peaceful place for your pet to rest, this option allows you to give back to the earth – it’s life after death – and protect a forest for future generations of humans and animals to enjoy. Another bonus, these forever forests allow a human companion to be spread with their beloved pet either at the same time or at different times.

Scattering Gardens

Many states, including Missouri, have scattering gardens at churches, memorial parks, and cemeteries. These are designated areas on the property where you can scatter your pet’s ashes, but you will need to contact the property owners for access.

Private Property

There are no laws governing your own property, so you are free to scatter your pet’s ashes on your own private property. But, if someone else owns the land, you will need to get permission first from the land owner. This permission could be verbal or written. If the owner says no, don’t try to secretly spread the ashes; this would be trespassing and subject to fines and/or jail time. Just find another place!

Federal Land

National parks are popular places to scatter ashes, and Missouri is home to six amazing National Parks within the 63 nationwide National Parks. Most parks allow scattering ashes, but you cannot simply scatter ashes anywhere. There are specific regulations that need to be noted, and each park has its own rules.

  • You should request permission from the chief park ranger first.
  • A permit may be required at specific parks. This approval process could take weeks/months, so it is a good idea to plan accordingly.
  • Cremains should only be scattered away from trails or other developed areas.
  • Environmentally or archaeologically sensitive areas may be off-limits, so make sure you ask about those areas.

Public Land

You may be able to scatter ashes on uninhabited public land and nature areas/trails open to the public. Your local city or county offices would need to be contacted to ask for permission on these forests or wilderness areas. Many pet owners are attracted to the beautiful sceneries and landscapes and may have brought their furry companions to these areas. Keep in mind that these areas are public, so be courteous to other people and pick a spot where your loved one’s ashes will be undisturbed.

If you are wondering if sports stadiums, golf courses, and amusement parks are public property. They are not public; they are private property. Even though they are open to the public, these areas would need to have permission before you could spread the ashes.

From an Airplane

Missouri does not have any state laws restricting scattering ashes from an airplane since they pose no health risk. Laws do prohibit dropping any objects from the sky that can potentially harm people or property, such as the urn that your pet was in. Make sure you hang on tight to any container or play it safe and have your pet’s ashes moved to an Eco-friendly bag, ready for release.

Water Burial

Was your pet a water baby? Those fond memories of loved trips to the beach or chasing frogs in the lake or pond. How about trying to grab the fresh fish from you? Whether your dearest pet was feline or canine, when they got the water fever, there was no stopping them. So, it would seem fitting that a water burial would be appropriate. If you are wanting to scatter your pet’s ashes in the sea, there are a few things to note:

  • Any type of remains can only be placed 3 nautical miles from the shore or more.
  • Ashes can be scattered from a boat or airplane.
  • Only biodegradable urns may be used.
  • You can release wreaths or flowers into the water, but anything placed in the water must decompose in a marine environment.
  • While a permit is not required, you must report the ash scattering to the EPA within 30 days.

Most rivers, ponds, and lakes are not subject to federal regulation, so these laws do not apply. Every state has its own laws and regulations, and you will have to check with the proper authorities. Keep in mind that scattering ashes in inland water is illegal in some states and prohibited on some beaches and shorelines.


A completely legal and safe method is to turn your pet’s ashes into soil. A company takes your pet’s ashes and converts them into nutrient-rich compost soil using a proprietary system. This process takes about 30 days, and then you are free to spread it as you wish. However, the same rules apply, as mentioned beforehand, to make sure you have permission to be on any property that you do not own.

Scattering Pet Ashes Missouri

In Missouri, there are no state laws that prohibit a family from keeping or scattering ashes. You can store your pet’s ashes in a grave, niche, crypt, or container to keep them at home or to scatter at the right moment. It is always recommended to check with local city or county laws prior to scattering if you are unsure.

Scattering Pet Ashes in Springfield and the Surrounding Area

At Tranquil Tides, we can help you make that memory a beautiful, lasting one. We are here to help you determine the perfect farewell place by listening to your stories and making suggestions. We also offer a private garden overlooking a field and pond where they will be surrounded by nature and everlasting peace. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at 417-830-4794 and we can help guide you through this tough time. We serve the Springfield and surrounding area in Southwest Missouri and if you would like to learn why we are passionate about our journey in offering an aquamation service, visit https://tranquiltides.life/about-us/.