What is Aquamation?

Family-owned, Tranquil Tides Pet Aquamation provides a compassionate, eco-friendly pet cremation service in Springfield, Nixa, Republic, Branson, Rogersville, and surrounding areas in Southwest Missouri. Our aqua cremation process is the most gentle way to return your beloved pet to the earth. Imagine honoring your cherished family member in a gentle, environmentally safe way. Tranquil Tides Pet Aquamation offers an alternative to flame cremation for your pet loss. Water, not Fire.

Tranquil Tides is here to help you make that difficult decision to say farewell with a water-based pet cremation approach. By entrusting us with your loved one, we will ensure your pet is treated with respect and dignity during this final part of their journey. We will also ensure that only your beloved pet’s ashes are returned to you. Guaranteed!

We are committed to providing our customers high quality work on exceptional urns at an affordable and comparable price. We do all the engraving ourselves, including the custom picture engraving. We listen to your thoughts and ideas to make it a truly personal experience. Afterall, this is your sweet baby we are talking about!

We are also committed to providing our customers a smooth experience through sympathy and communication in a setting that is not rushed.

Honest!  Reassuring!  Comfortable Small Time Atmosphere with No Pressure!

Pet Cremation

  • Destructive, intense heat

  • Releases harmful emissions
  • Removal of medical devices
  • Fewer ashes returned
  • Transfer from other remains
  • High carbon footprint

Pet Aquamation

  • Flameless and gentle

  • Zero emissions

  • 90% less energy used

  • 20% more ashes returned

  • 1/10th the carbon footprint

  • Ashes are clean and pollutant free

Application Forms

Pet Release Form

Printable Pet Release Form

Contact Form

If you have any questions about our company, the aquamation process, or how we can best serve you, please don’t hesitate to contact us by using the form below or call us at 417-830-4794. If you contact us during the hours we are closed, we will respond back as soon as we open.